Welcome Note from Dean Brown

Welcome again to Wesleyan!

Class deans spend much of their time advising their class–discussing academic, social, and personal challenges and strategies to achieve personal goals.  They work with individual students, professors, staff, and even parents to support students in their pursuit of a positive learning experience.  As  your class dean, I am eager to begin working with the Class of 2021!

In providing  guidance and support, I will serve as a source of information on a range of issues, including a balanced course schedule; academic standing; major choices; General Education Expectations; graduation requirements; university policies and procedures; and services, opportunities and resources available at the university and surrounding Middletown community.

I will work with you over your four years at Wesleyan as you move forward on your educational goals (which may shift over time) and move through the University.  I will help you monitor your progress towards degree requirements, celebrate your successes, support you when you are challenged (which I hope you continuously are), and, as noted above, connect you with other resources.

While a central point person, the class dean is one of many people to assist you in Wesleyan’s resource network.  These range from your faculty advisor (FA) to your course professors; from your Academic Peer Advisor (APA) and Residential Advisor (RA); from the Dean for Student Academic Support, who is also the director of accessibility resources, to the Associate Dean for International Student Affairs; from peer tutors for specific courses to those in the Writing Center and Math Workshop; from the chaplains in the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life to the therapists in Counseling and Psychological Services and medical staff in the Health Center; and from coaches to Connections mentors.  There is an abundance of support and lots of good will for your success at Wesleyan.

Check the blog daily and if you have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me at lsbrown@wesleyan.edu or at 860-685-2758.  Best, Dean Brown