ORSL Pastoral Counseling for the Wesleyan Community

Hello Everyone,

I’m sending this message on behalf of the university chaplains. We know that this is a stressful time, and that in addition to the uncertainty of these times, many of us are dealing with the illness and loss of loved ones. The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life writes:

‘All of the chaplains at ORSL offer pastoral counseling to those who would like to connect with a confidential, nonjudgmental, listening presence. We are all comfortable working with people of any, all, or no faith backgrounds.

We have been doing this via phone and some of us via zoom for the past few weeks, and hope that people will continue to reach out to us individually.

We can be reached at: https://www.wesleyan.edu/orsl/meetchaplains.html

Rabbi David Leipziger Teva
Director, Religious and Spiritual Life
University Jewish Chaplain
Wesleyan University

You may schedule a conversation with me via zoom or phone by going to calendly.com/dleipziger